Friday, April 9, 2010

Dazed & Confused in Sao Paolo...

After many months of planing we final arrived on South American soil, dazed and confused as we were in Sao Paulo rather than as expected Rio de Janeiro. After a mini heart attack from Mitch we found out that we were in fact having to do another connection!! So here we are trying to find out when the hell we’re going to get outta here!


  1. LMAO to (...)I soon took charge of the situation, destroying an entire fleet of the blighters with a combination of feet stamping and insect repellent(...)
    OMG! I'm loving your blog so far!!! Glad you guys are having fun!!!

  2. I'm amazed that you made it to South America before Mitch got confused... I remember turning up to Gatwick with him once and he hadn't got a clue which airport we were at!!!
